Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fish Freshener

Fish Freshener
Three or four times a year, I have a chance to venture out into the Texas bay system and fish for Speckled Trout and Redfish.  Because my fishing buddies are more skilled at consistently finding and catching fish than any guide I’ve ever been out with, I always come home with more fish filets than we will eat in a couple of weeks. That means some of those fantastic fresh filets will be frozen and end up hiding in the back of the freezer for a couple of months.  There are several tips I’d like to share that will significantly improve the flavor of the cooked filet, especially if it has been hiding in the freezer for two to three months.
Before you freeze
·         Always rinse the filets one more time before you bag them up, making sure there is no evidence of entrails on the filet.
·         If your filets have the skin on, for instance Redfish “on the half shell” where the filet is left with the skin and scales so it can be cooked on the outdoor grill, you need make sure that if you are putting two filets in a bag for freezing that the skin side never touches the meat. Always position them in the bag meat to meat.
·         Always squeeze all the air out of the bag before sealing. Some people like to freeze their filets in a bag of water to keep air from causing freezer burn. I think the filet takes on a chlorine flavor when you leave them in tap water.

Thawing your fish
The best method is to remove from the freezer to the refrigerator for a slow thaw. I rarely have thought that far ahead. The next best choice is to thaw the filet, while still sealed in the bag, in cold water this should take about 30 minutes.

The secret rinse
After the fish has thawed and before you cook, give the fish filets one final rinse. While the filets are still in the bag squeeze in half a lemon and add a quarter cup of water. Seal the bag and flip it forward and back making sure the filets are completely exposed to the lemon water. After a quick swish, remove the filets rinse them in tap water and pat dry with paper towels. Now you are ready to cook your refreshed fish filets.

1 comment:

  1. is the titular photo from the canino's farmers market by airline?
